Next to a supernova, nobody hears you scream!

This seems to be the fate of a tiny and often overlooked planetary nebula designated "Howell-Crisp 1" in the lower right quarter of this widefield image.

The minute nebula compared to the vast proportions of the nearby supernova remnant IC 443 tells a lot about the different energies at play.

It is almost unimaginable that the progenitors of both events were stars with nothing else than different masses!

Stack of 60 exposures of 10 minutes each using the new Antlia ALP-T dual narrowband filter.

Taken on January 11th and February 9th 2022 in rural Upper Austria with a QHY600C-PH and a Skywatcher Espirt 100 at 550mm focal length.

On February 23rd 2022 75 exposures of 240 seconds each were added in RGB.

Tracking with Skywatcher EQ6-R, autoguiding with MGEN-3. Processed with Astro Pixel Proxessor, Starnetv2 and Photoshop.

Kommentare 3

  • Hallo Klaus, ist mir natürlich bewußt, sorry! - äh - Verzeihung!

    Ich war in Eile und hatte einfach den Text von Flickr rüberkopiert.

    Soll nicht wieder vorkommen...



  • Hello Austronomer76,

    this is a german community. Hier kannst du ganz einfach in deutsch schreiben.

    Viele Grüße


  • Hi

    Super schönes Foto :) :thumbup: