Beiträge von Gert im Thema „Wankt das kosmologische Standardmodell?“


    Ich habe mal einen Kumpel gefragt, der das studiert hat und der sagt, die nicht linearen Komponenten die Deur meint in seinem Paper zu benutzen seien inzwischen als vernachlässigbar erklärt worden und verweist auf ein Paper von Donghui Jeong.

    Mein Kumpel schreibt dazu:

    It is definitely true that general relativity is a nonlinear theory, and that most of the equations I have always been working on are a linearized version of it. Like a first order approximation, neglecting any nonlinear terms. However, the reason we are all doing this is because people have checked that the nonlinear terms are negligible. Now I don't work on the foundations of general relativity enough to be able to spot an issue in Deur's paper, unfortunately.

    The papers I had in mind, claiming that nonlinear effects in GR are small, include this one for example:

    I'm tempted to believe Donghui Jeong's result, because I know a lot of his work and he is really extremely rigorous.

    Clear Skies,
