Beiträge von Gert im Thema „Falsche IGramme??“

    Hallo Beisammen,

    Dale Eason schreibt, dass FFT Auswertung dem Fringetracing ueberlegen ist, weil man einfach mehr Datenpunkte hat.

    "...FFT analysis can be more accurate at the edge than Fringe
    Tracing. Part of that is because we use more fringes.
    You may also have seen that just changing one point on a fringe trace close to
    the edge can make a large difference to the edge analysis. The FFT method does
    not have that problem but one must have more fringes to use it.
    Unless one can not get many fringes for what ever reason I recommend to always
    prefer FFT analysis to Fringe Tracing."

    Und bzgl. Festlegung des Spiegelrandes:
    "...The best way for OpenFringe's FFT analysis to outline the mirror is with a
    perfect circle using either the "Edge and Edge" or "Center and Edge control".
    Then move,expand,or contract the whole circle as necessary."

    Weitere Details sind in der "Interferometry" Yahoo Gruppe unter Suchbegriff "edge fft".

    Update: Ein Kommentar von Mike Peck zu dieser Frage.

    "...If you're specifically comparing FFT based analysis to fringe tracing there's no systematic difference. In both algorithmic approaches you're assigning wavefront values and a pair of coordinates to each pixel in the sample. The difference is in fringe tracing you'll typically have a few to several hundred pixels in your sample that are irregularly located over the interferogram, while an FFT analysis yields wavefront values at every pixel. Everything else equal that means random errors will be larger in a fringe tracing analysis.

    As to what primary aberrations depend on what, SA is sensitive to the measured interferogram diameter, coma is sensitive to position, and astigmatism to pixel aspect ratio. Higher order versions of those aberrations may be somewhat affected as well, but the sensitivity should be much smaller..."

    Clear Skies,

    Hallo Beisammen,

    Nur eine kurze Anmerkung zu Folgendem:

    Bild öffnen mit OF (ich nehme die großen Bilder der Kamera)
    Mit 5 Punkten den Umriss markieren
    Auf FFT Analysis gehen

    Der Dale Eason hat mir mal geschrieben, dass man fuer FFT nicht die Methode mit mehreren Punkten nehmen soll, sondern 'Edge and Edge' mit Punkten auf der rechten und linken Kante. Dann mit 'Pfeil'-Tasten u. 'Shift +' / 'Shift -' den Kreis anpassen. Denn nur dann wird der Spiegelrand als Kreis berechnet. Die FFT Auswertung braucht unbedingt einen Kreis fuer den Spiegelrand und keine angepasste Ellipse. Dann ist die Auswertung nicht gut.

    "I probably should put instructions into OpenFringe that tells users to use only the "edge and edge" or "center edge" button to circle mirrors for FT analysis. The boundary must be circular. So after using either of the two buttons then only use the shift - or the shift + and the arrow keys to adjust the outline."

    Clear Skies,