Neue Version des Autostar Update bei Meade

  • Hallo AUTOSTARler,

    bei gibt es die neueste Version (3.0) des Autostar Update Programms zum download.

    Kommentare dazu: Der Autostar Guru Clay Sherrod:

    ---------- Auszug aus Mike Weasners Seite --------------------
    Subject: new Meade Autostar Updater Platform
    Sent: Thursday, September 6, 2001 15:52:37
    From: sherrodc(==>) (Clay Sherrod)
    I have been playing around all afternoon with the newest Meade Updater
    program for does appear pretty nice and seems to have
    some "background" material that may be looming for yet another telescope
    application that we are not aware of yet.

    There are some very nice advantages to this new updater, but it is NOT
    user friendly at NOT delete the old A2.4 until you are
    totally convinced you are adept at using this new version. Remember
    also, that this does NOT carry a new firmware upload for the has the v2.2eR, just like has been out for some time, no
    changes nor modifications.

    The software upload required 44 minutes for an LX90 and 35 minutes for
    an ETX 125, no counting loading my custom ephemeris package with the
    asteroids,comets, and 26 tours. That is where the tricky part comes
    in....but USE the "Help" selection and select that topic for good
    step-by-step assistance.

    A word to the wise....keep the old one (you can still use it as it is
    under a different folder, but BOTH are stored in your program files
    under MEADE.

    I have had a devil of a time transferring all my tours, comets,
    asteroids....very tricky,to say the least, but once there it looks like
    it holds the selection in memory and you do NOT have to select them

    Also, I notice that if you upload versions you CAN retain ALL your
    personal data:

    1) training values;
    2) locations/sites;
    3) personal user info;
    4) scope type;
    5) motor calibration;
    6) time zone (NOT time, nor date however).

    This is definitely a step in the right direction.

    P. Clay Sherrod
    Arkansas Sky Observatory
    ---------------- Ende Auszug --------------------

    Also gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber in Ordnung.
    Alte Version 2.4 unbedingt aufbewahren!
    Achtung, nur das Updateprogramm ist neu, die ROM Software hat noch immer den Stand 2.2ER.

    Ich werde es probieren.

    CS4all und ...

    <font color="black">__</font id="black">
    <font size="1"><font color="orange"><b>Zur Hölle mit den Wolken!</b></font id="orange"></font id="size1">
    <font size="2"><b>Rainer</b></font id="size2">

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