Beiträge von TakFan im Thema „Discuss telescope collimation and OCAL Collimator“

    Dear ocal,

    The thread is absolutely fine as it is. Collimation is a topic important to everybody in astronomy and it is free to discuss.

    To my knowledge it is possible to do advertisement for products if you register as a commercial user. This Is subject to some fee. But that is you should ask the admin of the forum.

    Best regards to China.


    Dear ocal,

    If you want to introduca a product this way through a back door, this would not be appreciated. It is against good mannor in the european culture. Business Is not everything and people should not be fooled.

    It would be better to register a commercial account and place and advertisement.

    If you intend a general tutorial, thats another issue. There are already many threads on this, though.

    Best regards
