Sat, Sep 18th 2021

  1. full-day ASpekt 2021

    Fri, Sep 17th 2021-Sun, Sep 19th 2021

  2. full-day Fachgruppentreffen der VdS-Fachgruppe Kometen

    Sat, Sep 18th 2021

    • AstroService
    • Sternwarte Kirchheim, Arnstädter Straße, Kirchheim, 99334
  3. full-day Norddeutsches Astrofotografentreffen NAFT

    Sat, Sep 18th 2021

    • AstroService
    • Schiffahrtsmuseum Rostock, Schmarl-Dorf 40, Rostock, 18106, Deutschland
  4. 4:49 am Mercury at dichotomy

    Sat, Sep 18th 2021, 4:49 am-4:49 am

  5. 8:54 am Conjunction of the Moon and Jupiter

    Sat, Sep 18th 2021, 8:54 am-8:54 am

  6. 11:07 am Close approach of the Moon and Jupiter

    Sat, Sep 18th 2021, 11:07 am-11:07 am

  7. 6:44 pm The Moon at aphelion

    Sat, Sep 18th 2021, 6:44 pm-6:44 pm